Get instant cash through gift card exchange kiosk near me (New)

What is gift card exchange kiosk?

Oftentimes, people mistook gift card exchange kiosk for websites, blogs or platforms that offer buy and sell to customers online, accepting all kinds of payment through paypal, cash app and all. Whereas, a gift card exchange kiosk is far from that, if we may attempt to explain, we would say gift card kiosk involves a machine with an interactive screen placed in a small structure (like that of a public telephone) accessible to everyone that wants to exchange gift cards for real cash when they slot in gift card or type in the numbers on the card. Gift cards exchange kiosk are mostly used in the United States and could be found almost in every open-space along the street as such pharmacies, grocery stores, shopping malls etcetera. Here on this post, how to find gift card kiosk near me will be discussed.

Note: gift card exchange kiosk could also be a hut or small building with an open window where by a person attend to you from the inside “buy” your gift cards and pay you off in cash right there.

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Why gift card exchange kiosk near me?

1. Gift card exchange kiosk in front of you can be helpful during emergency situation.

2.It makes it much easier to exchange all your unwanted gift cards for money.

3. It saves you from stress of looking for machines or places to sell off your gift cards.

4. Gift card kiosk near me exchange rates may differs from another considering the standard of the place.

What are the gift card exchange kiosk locations near me?

Gift card exchange kiosk doesn’t have one specific location or branches. However, a popular and well to do pharmacies, grocery stores, shopping malls should have a gift card exchange machine in place for those that may want to convert their cards for money and pay off whatever they purchase. Also, pawn shops are one among gift cards exchange kiosk location near you, visit them and sell to them, but be mindful of the price.

How to find a gift card exchange kiosk near me?

Finding a gift card exchange kiosk is not hard, you can use search engine like Google, Bing or Yandex simply by typing “Gift card exchange kiosk” alongside your location especially ZIP code will be helpful. You should note that, kiosk exchange machine don’t accept all kinds of gift cards in fact, some are designed to recognize just one type as such “Amazon and Walmart gift card”. It will be nice you enquire from people around or the website itself beforehand so as to know what type of specific gift card they accept.

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How to use a gift card exchange kiosk near me?

The process is simple and straightforward for everyone, provided you have gift cards at hand and had confirmed the specific type of card the exchange kiosk can accept. Here are the steps to exchange your gift card for cash:

  1. Look around for a kiosk exchange machine nearby.
  2. Slot in the gift card into the kiosk machine, you will see how much balance is in there.
  3. Type in the amount you want to exchange for cash or use up the entire gift card.
  4. A voucher will be printed out for you, and in most cases you will take it to the store where the kiosk machine is located and have your cash at the desk.

Note: Kiosk machine exchange rates are not same for all, so it will be nice you watch out for the charges and offers first, before proceeding with the transactions. If it gives you up to 70% – 80% of your gift cards worth then it is good.


Do gift card exchange kiosks still exist?

Yes, gift card exchange kiosks still exist, but only available in the United States for now maybe in nearest future to come will be extended to other countries.

What stores have gift card exchange kiosk near me?

Most stores now have gift card exchange kiosks machine especially the bigger ones as such Walmart store, Macy’s eSpot, Gift Card Shop Vegas, Wayfair, Target etcetera.

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